How do I get an Invitation
To sign up to use Auto Integrate you will need an email invitation to register. You can receive this email by visiting our registration page or by contacting the Fleet or Fleet Management Company you wish to work with and requesting an invite.
When you receive an invitation email for Auto Integrate, it will be titled ‘Registration Invitation’ and look like the below:
Once you receive this email, please click the link highlighted in blue titled ‘Register with Auto Integrate here’. If this does not work, please copy and paste the link below into your browser.
How do I register
Once you open the link to register, you will be taken to a page with your shop’s detail prepopulated. Please double check all the details to make sure they are correct. Required fields are indicated by asterisks (*).
Fleets can be found at the bottom of the page along with their terms and conditions. If you wish to work with a fleet, please read their terms and conditions fully before ticking the ‘Read and Accept Terms’ check box.
Once you are happy with details you have given, press the ‘Finish’ button in the bottom right-hand side of the page.
Once approved by the fleet, you are now ready to work with your fleet customers via Auto Integrate.
Registration FAQs
What Benefits does signing up to the Auto Integrate platform have?
Joining the AI platform has a number of benefits for all users, some of the key benefits are listed below.
What is 'Independent Rebate'?
‘Independent Rebate’ means a set percentage discount that will be taken off the total of the Repair Order for that Fleet.
What is MBE and WBE?
‘MBE’ means ‘Minority Business Enterprise’ and ‘WBE’ means ‘Women Business Enterprise’.
If neither of these apply, simply leave both of these boxes un-ticked.
How is payment handled?
Payment continues to be handled by the FMC, Auto Integrate does not issue any payments.
Question regarding payment on repair orders should be asked directly to the FMC.
Is there a fee for using Auto Integrate?
Yes, submitting to some fleet management companies does incur a small fee.
Please contact our support team for more information